Economic events

Economic calendar

Economic events are shown in Economic calendar, which can be added from News section of the main menu.


The top of the events by countries is shown in the status bar. Each value can be clicked there to filter the events of one particular country.


Economic events of high importance are shown in the corner of the platform, when released.


The display of notifications of the events of medium importance can also be enabled in Preferences/Notifications section.

Countdown to release

If the countdown is enabled, a pop-up notification will be shown 1 minute before the event release time. It is disabled by default.


If the time of the release has come, but the value of the event is not published within 2 minutes, the notification pop-up will disappear.


  • Notifications
  • Notifications of the events of medium importance
  • Countdown

    can be disabled in Notifications section of the Preferences.


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