Strategy Parameters

@Configurable annotation can be used in a strategy for it to use user defined parameters. For a strategy field to appear among the strategy's parameters, it has to be public and has to be preceded by a @Configurable annotation. The parameters are used both working with live data and back-testing with Historical Tester. They are shown in a strategy parameters dialog before the strategy start. Additionally, the parameters are used in Optimization.

Parameter properties

The user not only can assign a parameter name that appears besides its value in GUI, but also set read-only condition with readOnly attribute, set increment size with stepSize attribute, set tooltip text with description attribute and others. Consider the following example which shows the features of the @Configurable annotation.

@Configurable("Instrument 1")
public Instrument instrument = Instrument.EURUSD;
@Configurable(value ="Instrument 2", description = "an obligatory instrument", obligatory = true)
public Instrument instrument2;
@Configurable(value = "Period", readOnly = true, description = "This period can not be edited")
public Period selectedPeriod = Period.ONE_MIN;
@Configurable(value = "Amount" , stepSize = 0.9, description = "Amount with a custom step size")
public double amount = 0.02;

Supported parameter types

Depending on the parameter type it gets represented differently in the parameters dialog. The following parameter types are supported:

Parameter type Applicable Java types Representation Remote mode differences
Number int, double, short, long, Integer, Double, Short, Long Number field with a modifiable step size
Boolean boolean, Boolean Checkbox
String String Text field
File java.util.File Text field with a path and a file chooser
Date java.util.Calendar, java.util.Date, long and Long with Configurable.datetimeAsLong = true Date picker
Color java.util.Color Color picker
Constants any enum or Enum or a class containing self-typed public static final fields Single-selection combobox User-defined constants via Configurable.options
Collection of constants java.util.Collection of any enum or Enum or a class containing self-typed public static final fields Multi-selection dialog User-defined constants are not allowed
IFeedDescriptor IFeedDescriptor implementations from com.dukascopy.api.feed.util Data feed chooser dialog

Usage of all types

Consider an example strategy which demonstrates the usage of each of the parameter types:

@Configurable(value = "int param", stepSize = 3)
public int intParam = 1;
@Configurable(value = "double param", stepSize = 0.5)
public double doubleParam = 0.5;
@Configurable("bool param")
public boolean boolParam = true;
@Configurable("text param")
public String textParam = "some text";
public File file = new File(".");
@Configurable(value="current time", description="default is current time")
public Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance();
public Color color = new Color(100, 100, 100);
@Configurable("instrument (enum)")
public Instrument instrument = Instrument.EURUSD;
public Set<Instrument> instruments = new HashSet<Instrument>( 
        Arrays.asList(new Instrument[] {Instrument.EURUSD, Instrument.AUDCAD}) 
public IFeedDescriptor renkoFeedDescriptor = new RenkoFeedDescriptor(Instrument.EURUSD, PriceRange.TWO_PIPS, OfferSide.ASK);

Usage of date and time

In order to set a particular date, one needs to do it within a static block, since there are no Calendar constructors for this and when using SimpleDateFormat.parse, the ParseException needs to get handled.

private static Calendar myCalendar;
static {
    myCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    myCalendar.set(2012, Calendar.JULY, 17, 14, 30, 00);

@Configurable(value="particular time", description="17th july 14:30")
public Calendar particularTime = myCalendar;

private static Calendar calTodayAt5am;
static {
    calTodayAt5am = Calendar.getInstance();
    calTodayAt5am.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 5);
    calTodayAt5am.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    calTodayAt5am.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);

@Configurable(value="time in millis", description="default is today at 5am", datetimeAsLong=true)
public long timeInMillis = calTodayAt5am.getTimeInMillis();

Usage of custom enumeration

Besides using JForex-API enums like Instrument, OfferSide and Filter, one can also define in strategy an enum of his own, for instance:

enum Mode { 
@Configurable("mode (enum param)")
public Mode mode = Mode.BUY;

Alternatively one can use a class with self-typed constants (available with JForex-API 2.8.1)

static class Person {

    public static final Person FOO = new Person("foo");

    public static final Person BAR = new Person("bar");

    public final String name;

    public Person(String name){ = name;

    public String toString(){
        return name;

public Person person;

public List<Person> persons;

Constants for Remote mode

By using the Configurable.options field one can define string constant alternatives from which thereafter he can load an enum value. Consider a strategy which does that:

private static final String BULLISH = "BULLISH";
private static final String BEARISH = "BEARISH";

enum Mode{

    private final String name;

    private Mode(String name){ = name;

    private static Mode fromString(String name){
        for(Mode mode : Mode.values()){
                return mode;
        return null;

@Configurable(value = "mode1", options = { BULLISH, BEARISH})
public String mode1 = BULLISH;

public void onStart(IContext context) throws JFException {
    Mode mode = Mode.fromString(mode1);
    context.getConsole().getOut().println("chosen mode: " + mode);




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