French election: Weekend leverage extension
Źródło: Dukascopy Europe IBS AS
French election: Weekend leverage extension, photo #1

On Sunday 7 May, the French are heading to the polls again for round two of the Presidential election between the final two candidates Mrs Marine Le Pen and Mr Emmanuel Macron.

Due to possible volatility that the outcome may cause to financial markets, Dukascopy will extend the weekend margin policy by a few hours into the session starting Sunday 7 May 21GMT. There is no fixed time schedule when normal margin policy is restored; it will be done without additional announcement after the election results are known and once trading activity can be considered to be normal.

Furthermore we like to draw our clients attention to the fact that large price gaps may occur between the market closure on Friday 5 May at 21:00 GMT and market opening on Sunday 7 May. Holding any position over the weekend may lead to substantial losses even if leverage use is reduced.

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