Client Protection

Deposit Insurance

Deposit insurance protects the credit balances of private and corporate clients in the event of a bank or securities firm's bankruptcy. This guarantee is regulated by law.

The protection is limited to a maximum of CHF 100 000 per client and institution. Multiple accounts are added together.

esisuisse guarantees that it will cover protected deposits as part of the self-regulation of Swiss banks and securities firms.

Deposits at Dukascopy Bank are covered by the deposit insurance scheme.

Detailed information at

Deposits of the clients of Dukascopy Europe are protected by EU regulation in the amount of EUR 20'000.- for each client.

Careful management of counterparty / credit risks by Dukascopy Bank

In addition to the "Deposit Protection" your funds are safeguarded by the careful management made by Dukascopy Bank of its own assets and liquidity. As a matter of fact, Dukascopy Bank's assets consist, for more than 90% in cash at sight and bonds of the Swiss Confederation. Dukascopy Bank has no risky securities, no real estate property and does not provide any credit.

Exclusive capital protection

Should your funds be managed by a money manager or by any other third party, Dukascopy Bank SA gives you the unique opportunity to limit the possible losses on your account through its "Stop-Loss" functionality. Should your account reach the Stop-Loss level set by you, the trading would be instantly deactivated and all open positions would be closed so as to protect your remaining capital against further losses.

Additionally, Dukascopy Bank SA gives you the possibility to instantly interrupt the trading performed on your account by your attorney and to close all open positions by simply accessing a button on your online report.

Please be informed that in order to have your account managed by a third party, including any close person of you, you must grant and sign a power of attorney in favor of the latter.

Slippage control

Dukascopy Bank strives to offer you the best possible risk management tools to trade safely on volatile markets.

By using the Slippage Control Functionality you may preselect the maximum negative slippage that can affect the execution price of your orders. You may even totally exclude any negative slippage. The Slippage Control Functionality is however not available on STOP LOSS orders. Please note that reducing tolerance to slippage increases the probability of an order reject.

Feel free to contact us for more information about the Slippage Control Functionality and consult our Wiki.

Keep your login, password and PIN code confidential

Third parties such as Money Managers or Service Providers should never request your personal access codes but shall require special access rights directly from Dukascopy Bank. By communicating your access codes to third parties you would not only breach Dukascopy Bank's terms and conditions but you would seriously expose your own funds to the risk of misuse / misappropriation. Furthermore, unknown persons to Dukascopy Bank cannot obtain any assistance from our Trading Support Desk what may harm your funds, e.g. in case a position on your account needs to be closed urgently while Internet access to the SWFX trading system is not available.

Forex scams

For the safety of your money, investment opportunities shall be assessed with a tendency toward scepticism. Dukascopy Bank SA recommends cautiousness, especially regarding the following:

  • Investment opportunities 'too good to be true': Stay away from Forex trading opportunities that claim to make you rich overnight. Do not use your hard-earned savings or your retirement fund, or resort to mortgaging your house, to invest in these types of schemes. Chances are that you may never get your money back.
  • Guaranteed profits or claims of unusually high performance: Anybody claiming to give you a regular 30% or 40% return per month is promising something that cannot be delivered. These claims of massive profits are likely to be false and are basically tactics to lure in your money.
  • Downplaying of the risks involved with currency trading: Always be wary of statements claiming that a company or individual will recover your loses or that your investment will remain safe. Forex trading involves a high amount of risk, and you may end up losing all or part of your investment.
  • Difficulty obtaining background information: Don't deal with anyone who won't readily give you their background information.
  • Remittance of monies to a third party: An investor willing to use Dukascopy Bank SA's trading system to trade his monies himself or by way of a money manager or third party must deposit his monies in an account opened in the investor's name with Dukascopy Bank SA or with one of its Partner Custodian Banks. Alternatively, the investor can ask his bank to issue a bank guarantee in favour of Dukascopy Bank SA. There is no other possible way.

Dormant Accounts

Your account becomes "Dormant" if Dukascopy Bank SA is no longer able to contact you. This may happen in particular if you change your domicile/contact details without informing us or if you pass away without appointing any attorney on your account who can be contacted. In case of dormancy, it might be difficult or impossible to Dukascopy Bank SA to reestablish contact with you/your heirs. In order to avoid dormancy, Dukascopy Bank SA recommends that you:

  • inform us immediately if you change your address, or if you use a different name, e.g. following marriage;
  • inform us if you go away for an extended period of time and arrange for correspondence;
  • designate a proxy or representative with full power of attorney who can be contacted by Dukascopy Bank SA should your account become "dormant";
  • inform a trusted person about your bank details. Dukascopy Bank SA can only give information to such a person if you have first authorised him or her in writing to act on your behalf by filling this form;
  • list your assets and the name of the respective bank(s) where they are deposited in your will.

Dukascopy Bank SA is obliged to report all dormant accounts in excess of CHF 100.- to a central databank to which only the Swiss Banking Ombudsman can access. Every person suspecting assets to which they are entitled to with an unknown bank in Switzerland can ask the Central Claims Office of the Swiss Banking Ombudsman for the polling of the databank of all dormant customer relationships.

Dormant Accounts Authorisation to Contact Trusted Persons

To learn more about Dukascopy Bank CFD / Forex trading platform, SWFX and other trading related information,
please call us or make callback request.
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To learn more about Dukascopy Bank Binary Options / Forex trading platform, SWFX and other trading related information,
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To learn more about Dukascopy Bank CFD / Forex trading platform, SWFX and other trading related information,
please call us or make callback request.
To learn more about Crypto Trading / CFD / Forex trading platform, SWFX and other trading related information,
please call us or make callback request.
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For further information regarding potential cooperation,
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