Dukascopy Bank passed recent market shocks successfully
Zdroj: Dukascopy Europe IBS AS
Dukascopy Bank passed recent market shocks successfully, photo #1

Considering the general concerns about the financial situation of the market participants after the recent oil and stocks price drops as well as high volatility on the currency markets, Dukascopy Bank is reporting the following:
1. The YTD profit 2020 of Dukascopy Bank has hit a historical record (above 8 million CHF),
2. Eighty (80) negative accounts have appeared on the 9th of March 2020, totalling 340k USD which is in line with the Bank's risk appetite.

Dukascopy Bank will clear those negative accounts, at its expense, without asking any compensation from clients.

All risk mitigation measures in place have proved to be effective and adequate to ensure the stability of the Bank during current and previous extraordinary market events (abandon of the EUR/CHF peg, BREXIT, Trump election, etc.). Such measures are regularly reassessed and adjusted by the Bank.

The Bank would like to reassure its clients and other business partners that Dukascopy Bank, Dukascopy Europe and Dukascopy Japan continue to be reliable and stable trading counterparties.

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Rozdílové smlouvy jsou komplexní nástroje a v důsledku použití finanční páky jsou spojeny s vysokým rizikem rychlého vzniku finanční ztráty. U 71.03% účtů retailových investorů došlo při obchodování s rozdílovými smlouvami u tohoto poskytovatele ke vzniku ztráty. Měli byste zvážit, zda rozumíte tomu, jak rozdílové smlouvy fungují, a zda si můžete dovolit vysoké riziko ztráty svých finančních prostředků.