Reduction of maximum exposure on EUR-related currency pairs.

Reduction of maximum exposure on EUR-related currency pairs.
Zdroj: Dukascopy Bank SA
Reduction of maximum exposure on EUR-related currency pairs., photo #1

Due to the probability of high volatility, periods of low liquidity and risk of price gaps that may appear in FX markets in connection with the situation in Catalonia, Dukascopy is temporarily decreasing the maximum exposure limit to 15 mio EUR on currency pairs that contain EUR from the normal limit of 25 mio (except EUR/JPY which remains at 10 mio). The maximum exposure limit does not extend to positions that have been opened prior to this announcement, there will be no forced reduction or closures.

The limitation will enter in to force as of Friday, 6 October 2017 15:00 GMT and remain in force until further notice. Dukascopy reserves the right to reconsider special trading conditions for EUR currency pairs if found necessary. 

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