Dukascoins and MCA accounts are now available for legal entities

Dukascoins and MCA accounts are now available for legal entities
Quelle: Dukascopy Bank SA
Dukascoins and MCA accounts are now available for legal entities, photo #1

Due to a dramatic increase in the demand for MCA account services and access to our new cryptocurrency from the side of legal entities, Dukascopy Bank has decided to open the Dukascoin airdrop to this category of customers. We would like to remind everyone that earlier legal entities had only two options for obtaining Dukascoins: either to become a Referrer and get Dukascoins for new MCA account holders or to buy Dukasoins on our internal marketplace. Starting from next week legal entities which will open MCA accounts will get 5 Dukascoins for free. Thus, all clients who will open an MCA account will be eligible to participate in the Dukascoin airdrop.

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