Robert Martin, US economist at Barclays Capital Inc., on US election outcome

Note: This section contains information in English only.
Source: Dukascopy Bank SA
© Robert Martin
In your point of view, will the election of Donald Trump impact a December interest rate hike that is widely expected?

I believe that it will not have any impact on the widely anticipated rate hike by the US Central bank. At Barclays, we continue to expect the Federal Reserve to raise rates in December this year. In our view, the cumulative progress in the US economy is more than sufficient to offset any even potential risks from the outcome of the election.

In your opinion, will the US economy flourish under President Donald Trump or not? Why?

In our forecast, we are currently seeing the Trump's administration imposing tariffs or putting up trade barriers on Mexican and Chinese imports. Those tariffs are likely to be a drag on growth; however, we still think there will be a tactic in spending package, which will more than offshoot that growth. Hence, we have marked up the trajectory of our GDP outlook over the next two years as the result of the election outcome. 

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