WARNING: UNITRADE ENTERPRISES is not in cooperation or in association whatsoever with Dukascopy Bank

WARNING: UNITRADE ENTERPRISES is not in cooperation or in association whatsoever with Dukascopy Bank
Quelle: Dukascopy Bank SA
WARNING: UNITRADE ENTERPRISES is not in cooperation or in association whatsoever with Dukascopy Bank, photo #1

Please mind that contrary to the fraudulent allegations of UNITRADE ENTERPRISES, UNITRADE ENTERPRISES is not in collaboration with Dukascopy Bank or with any other entity of Dukascopy Group.

UNITRADE ENTERPRISES is fraudulently using Dukascopy's name for attracting clients/investors, without Dukascopy Bank's permission. We are taking action against this dishonest organisation.

We ask for extreme caution toward such an organization basing its promotion on a lie.

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