Dukascoin sellers dominate

Note: This section contains information in English only.
Source: Dukascopy Bank SA
During the last quarter of 2023, there have been no broad moves in the price for a Dukascoin.

The asking price has been bouncing around the 1.60 mark, as it has fluctuated between 1.45 and 1.72.

In the meantime, the bid price, has been mostly in the 1.30/1.50 range. However, there have been spikes up to levels near 1.60.

Asking price chart

Bid price chart

Market Depth
Market Depth reveals, where traders have set up buy and sell orders. The up to date data is published at dukascoin.com. Below, one can observe the market orders on February 8.

For comparison of the buy and sell orders a range of 20 cents is chosen as criteria.

In regards to ask orders, there are orders to sell 7,366.01 coins in the range from 1.50 up to 1.70. The most notable is the concentration of sell orders at 1.55. It appears that participants intend to dump 2,323.78 coins at this level.

Meanwhile, in the 1.3500/1.1500 range there are bid orders for just 2,076.58 coins. There are more ask orders at the 1.55 level than in the 20 cent range below current bid price.

© Dukascopy Bank SA

© Dukascopy Bank SA

Future outlook
In general, the pair could fluctuate in the range between 1.31 and 1.55, as these are the levels where most concentration of orders are located at.

However, it is more likely that a decline occurs, as it would take someone to decide to get rid of just 700 coins for the bid price to pass below 1.31.

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