Expert Commentary

Note: This section contains information in English only.
Thu, 20 Dec 2012 11:53:14 GMT

Professor Hendrik van den Berg on the International Monetary System.

Dukascopy Bank always strives to provide its clients with the fresh and insightful ideas from world's leading academia experts. In this Expert Commentary piece Dukascopy shares the opinion of Professor Hendrik van den Berg on the International Monetary System.

Wed, 19 Dec 2012 15:57:13 GMT

Melinda Burgess, FX Strategist at RBS, on GBP/USD and EUR/GBP

Since the U.K.'s economy is emerging from the double-dip recession, do you expect the Bank of England to adopt a more hawkish tone in the future?No, I think at this stage we expect policy makers to continue to have a neutral bias to their monetary policy stance. They halted their quantitative easing programme in November, but the fact that they

Mon, 17 Dec 2012 17:01:07 GMT

Erica Blomgren, Chief Strategist at SEB Merchant Banking, on Norway's economy and the Nokkie

The Norwegian economy is performing relatively well. Unlike a lot of other Nordic countries, Norway is rather unaffected from economic point of view of what is going on in the Eurozone, although developments are very split between sectors. The Norwegian economy is more operating as an oil-dependent economy. The activity in the oil and offshore sector is currently booming and

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 09:17:13 GMT

The Perfect Global Financial Storm, Part 3

In the final part  Professor David W. Conklin from Western University provides an insight into how to prosper in the Global Financial Storm. 

Fri, 14 Dec 2012 07:05:51 GMT

The Perfect Global Financial Storm, Part 2

Dukascopy Bank is proud to present a second part of the article by Professor David W. Conklin from Western University, which discusses China's and India's needs and the commodity cycle, while the final part will provide an insight into how to prosper in the Global Financial Storm. 

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 15:16:39 GMT

The Perfect Global Financial Storm

Dukascopy Bank is happy to present an article by Professor David W. Conklin from Western University, which will be published in two separate parts. The first part is devoted to the overview of world's economic and financial stance, two possible scenarios of developments for the Eurozone, and the fiscal cliff in the U.S. The second part of the article discusses

Fri, 07 Dec 2012 09:35:11 GMT

Carolin Hecht, Currency Strategist at Commerzbank, on EUR/USD, the ECB and Fed

We have moved upwards towards the 1.3130 area, because the concerns regarding the fiscal cliff in the U.S.

Tue, 04 Dec 2012 15:29:31 GMT

Dr. Bill Watkins from California Lutheran University on the California's economic stance

There is an opinion that today's California is starting to look like austerity Europe. The jobless rate is at 10.2% level, the third highest in the country; immigration and health issues became a big concern. In addition, there is a state budget deficit, which reached a $16 billion level this May. 

Mon, 03 Dec 2012 07:41:09 GMT

Dr. Michael Arghyrou from Cardiff Business School on Greece's economic stance

I believe that, compared to the situation six months ago, the risk of Greece leaving the Eurozone has somewhat receded.

Thu, 29 Nov 2012 17:08:19 GMT

Dr. Shawkat Hammoudeh, Professor of Economics at Drexel University, on energy market

The United States is highly likely to overtake Saudi Arabia as the largest oil producer between 2017 and 2020, if it has the adequate policy and infrastructure. The U.S. should also become a net natural gas exporter in 2020 given the right policy. The U.S. is highly likely to become self-sufficient in energy by 2035.

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 17:28:15 GMT

Professor Sankarshan Basu on China's and Japan's U.S. Treasury holdings

Since the beginning of 2012 China's U.S. Treasury holdings have decreased from $1.5 trillion to $1.15 trillion, while Japan increased its share by 24% and reached the level of $1.12 trillion in the U.S. treasuries. Japan is expected to become the United States' largest foreign creditor by January of the next year. 

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 16:31:13 GMT

Raghav Subbarao, FX Strategist at Barclays Capital, on EUR/USD

I think the Euro will remain in a range given that the news of the meeting should have been factored in.

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:28:57 GMT

Nick Trevethan, Senior Commodities Strategist at ANZ, on gold

I would not describe gold's behavior as a safe haven. I would say it is currently looking more like a risk asset than a safety trade.

Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:49:57 GMT

Robert Bergqvist, Chief Economist at SEB, on Sweden's economy

I think the reasons for the slowdown are not coming from domestic sources, but rather due to negative developments in the international economy, and especially the uncertainty about what is happening currently in Europe.

Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:49:43 GMT

Anders Eklof, Chief FX Strategist at Swedbank, on EUR/SEK and USD/SEK

We expect EUR/SEK to trade at 8.75 at the end of the year, while our forecast for USD/SEK is 6.85. The major drivers for the Swedish Krona are obviously Swedish macro environment and the ongoing Euro crisis.

Wed, 07 Nov 2012 15:33:58 GMT

Adam Cole, Global Head of FX Strategy, on EUR/USD, EUR/JPY and EUR/AUD

Our main expectation is that the Greek parliament will vote "Yes" to the austerity package this evening. With that package passed, the Eurogroup meeting on Monday will be able to set out the longer term plans for Greece and release the next tranche funds.

Tue, 06 Nov 2012 15:25:03 GMT

Lutz Karpowitz, Senior Currency Strategist at Commerzbank AG, on the US Dollar

Since yesterday morning, especially if we look at EUR/USD, we can see a very narrow sideways trading range. To my mind, it looks like everybody expects Barack Obama to remain president; thus that has been priced in. Currently it seems that the elections are not putting too much uncertainty into the market.

Mon, 05 Nov 2012 19:17:15 GMT

Makoto Noji, Senior Bond & FX Strategist at SMBC Nikko Securities, on USD/JPY and EUR/JPY

Market participants have been expecting that the Fed would determine an additional QE (Quantitative Easing) in December, hence USD/JPY would trade below 78.00.

Tue, 30 Oct 2012 20:32:58 GMT

Andy Ji, FX Strategist at CBA, on USD/JPY, EUR/JPY and BOJ's asset-purchase programme

I would say that USD/JPY has been in a pretty rangy trading for quite a while, while EUR/JPY is more or less driven by the move from the Euro side.

Mon, 29 Oct 2012 11:50:57 GMT

Jonathan Cavenagh, Currency Strategist at Westpac, on AUD/USD and AUD/JPY

In recent weeks the Australian Dollar has been fairly resilient against both currencies.

Thu, 25 Oct 2012 13:27:47 GMT

James Ahiakpor, Professor at California State University, East Bay on the U.S. economy and its prosp

I would describe the current economic situation of the US as that of limping along.

Wed, 24 Oct 2012 11:42:51 GMT

UBS AG on the New Zealand Dollar's performance and the end-of-year forecast for NZD/USD and NZD/JPY

I think the market is long on the currency pair due to a couple of reasons. The main issue is obviously the weakness of the greenback, given QE3 and the fact that the ECB has officially decided to launch the OMT programme, which will help Spanish and Italian bonds.

Thu, 18 Oct 2012 15:10:39 GMT

Dr. I. Bournakis from Middlesex University on 3 pillars of Eurozone's debt crisis, Germany and the E

The political game played in European Union at the moment is a "give and take" game.

Tue, 16 Oct 2012 14:12:14 GMT

Masafumi Yamamoto, Chief Currency Analyst at Barclays Bank, on USD/JPY and EUR/JPY

I think these better-than-expected U.S. numbers will lead to the higher U.S. yields and eventually to higher USD/JPY rates. 

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