Dukascopy Bank
Fuente: Dukascopy Europe IBS AS
Dukascopy Bank crypto, photo #1
In the frame of its strategy to be a crypto friendly bank Dukascopy announces its own crypto projects. Launch is subject to the green light from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.
By doing this public announcement the Bank would like to:
  1. attract the critics, contribution and participation of the professional community for improving the concept and eliminating mistakes in the strategy;
  2. call the experts in crypto smart contracts development for cooperation;
  3. invite experienced auditors of crypto smart contracts to take part in the smart contract audit;
  4. invite active professionals to participate in planned Bug Bounty tests of Dukascopy Bank's smart contracts.
Dukascopy Bank's crypto concept version of 27.09.2018 can be found here.
We stress that until the authorization of FINMA, these materials are not a public offer or a promise of service.
Parts of the concept that are confidential are accessible under NDA conditions.

Feel free to send your notes, commentaries, proposals and requests to the e-mail address [email protected].

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