Daylight savings time ends
Fuente: Dukascopy Europe IBS AS
Daylight savings time ends, photo #1
On Sunday 26 October, clocks in Europe are turned back one hour as daylight saving time ends. Please note that there will be no change in the opening hour of our systems on Sunday and the daily settlement done at 21:00 GMT / 5pm EST.
European clients may take note that the market opening will be done at 22:00 CET / Swiss Time.
Daylight savings time ends Sunday 2 November in North America. Market opening of our systems and daily settlement will be changed to 22:00 GMT / 5pm EST / 23:00 CET / Swiss Time on that date.

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Los CFD son instrumentos complejos y están asociados a un riesgo elevado de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. 71.59% de las cuentas de inversores minorista pierden dinero en la comercialización con CFD con este proveedor. Show more Debe considerar si comprende el funcionamiento de los CFD y si puede permitirse asumir un riesgo elevado de perder su dinero. Show less