Gamma di mercati

Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Dashcoin, EOS, Tron, Cardano, Uniswap, Chainlink, Polygon, Aave, Maker, Compound, Enjin, Yearn Finance and Basic Attention Token

Strumento Descrizione Dimensione contratto minimo Min trade step Pip value*
BTC/USD Bitcoin 0.01 0.01 1.00 USD
ETH/USD Ether 1 0.1 1.00 USD
LTC/USD Litecoin 10 1.0 1.00 USD
BCH/USD Bitcoin Cash 1 1.0 1.00 USD
XLM/USD Stellar 2500 1.0 0.0001 USD
DSH/USD Dashcoin 1 1.0 0.01 USD
EOS/USD EOS 1000 1000 0.001 USD
TRX/USD TRON 2500 1 0.0001 USD
ADA/USD Cardano11510.01 USD
UNI/USD Uniswap510.01 USD
LNK/USD Chainlink410.01 USD
MAT/USD Polygon10010.01 USD
AVE/USD Aave0.10.10.1 USD
MKR/USD Maker0.050.050.1 USD
CMP/USD Compound0.10.10.1 USD
ENJ/USD Enjin10010.01 USD
YFI/USD Yearn Finance0.010.011.00 USD
BAT/USD Basic Attention Token10010.0001 USD
  • *
    BTC/USD 11309.3
    ETH/USD 222.2
    LTC/USD 43.0
    BCH/USD 590.8
    DSH/USD 241.45
    EOS/USD 4.93000
    TRX/USD 0.084000
    XLM/USD 0.33825
    ADA/USD 2.13
    UNI/USD 23.8
    LNK/USD 25.1
    MAT/USD 1.23
    AVE/USD 281.9
    MKR/USD 2446.4
    CMP/USD 299.2
    ENJ/USD 1.57
    YFI/USD 34269.7
    BAT/USD 0.1740

Orario di Trading

CFDs on cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, XLM, DSH, ESO, TRX, ADA, UNI, LNK, MAT, AVE, MKR, CMP, ENJ, YFI, BAT) are traded on a 24/7 basis (including weekends).

CFDs trading on cryptocurrencies offered by Dukascopy might not be possible for a certain period(s) of time on Saturday and Sunday due to technical maintenance. Pending orders, margin cut trades will be triggered once maintenance is done.

In case where a client is unable to close his exposure on the trading platform please call +41 22 799 4848


Settlement procedure for trading profit / loss is done 5 days per week from Monday until Friday. All trades executed on Saturday and Sunday on BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, XLM, DSH, ESO, TRX, ADA, UNI, LNK, MAT, AVE, MKR, CMP, ENJ, YFI, BAT are settled on the following Monday at 21:00/22:00 GMT (summer/winter). Please find more details related to settlement here

For related questions please contact the Client's Live trading support on the following e-mail: [email protected]


I prezzi di Dukascopy sui CFD sulle criptovalute sono unici e si basano sulla capacità di coprire le posizioni Dukascopy con controparti esterne. Ogni cliente può condizionare il prezzo e la liquidità inviando i propri BID o OFFER. Dukascopy è la controparte per ogni transazione e potrebbe fare hedging con esse con altri clienti o con controparti di trading esterne.

Dukascopy CFD prices on cryptocurrencies are neither legally nor economically a derivative of the hedging instrument.

I prezzi dei CFD sulle criptovalute di Dukascopy non dovrebbero essere considerati come prezzo di riferimento ottenuto direttamente dai mercati relativi e/o proprietario delle quotazioni per lo strumento di copertura.

Due to limited ability to hedge its positions with external counterparties Dukascopy does not permanently guarantee trade execution. In a case if client willing to close exposure and can't do it from trading platform please call trading desk +41 22 799 4848

L'ingresso nel trading di CFD è speculativo e può comportare una perdita sostanziale, che può superare l'intero investimento. La perdita potenziale può teoricamente essere illimitata.

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For further information regarding potential cooperation,
please call us or make callback request.
To learn more about Dukascopy Bank Binary Options / Forex trading platform, SWFX and other trading related information,
please call us or make callback request.
Per scoprire di più sulla piattaforma di Dukascopy Bank per Forex/CFD, sul SWFX ed altre informazioni relative al trading,
la preghiamo di contattarci o richiedere di essere contattato (callback request).
To learn more about Crypto Trading / CFD / Forex trading platform, SWFX and other trading related information,
please call us or make callback request.
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please call us or make callback request.
For further information regarding potential cooperation,
please call us or make callback request.