
Morgan Stanley, Eur/Usd short position from 1.3620 has TP @ 1.31, and SL @ 1.3360.
Long on the USD/JPY until 106 level from 102.50 with a Stop @ 102.60.
GBP/JPY Buy Limit Order @ 172.00, TP @ 180 and SL @ 169.40.

Several Major Banks (Credit Agricole, Citi Bank, UBS, RBS) still wait for a pullback in the EUR/USD to re-enter short from 1.33.
Barclays still holds on the Eur/USd Short Postion until TP under 1.29, possible pullback from 1.31

The Sentiment is Risk ON, especially with all the "tensions" from Ukraine. Even if there will be more Sanctions after this week for Russia, there is a weak probability that We will see a Ban on the Russian Governement Bonds European Asset Purchases.

To your Success,
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