Hello again dear community friends,

first of all I would like to say that I have been out of trading for few months because I was totally busy. I hope this break would help me to trade more calm. I am aslo very happy that I meet up with my good friend and one of the best traders on the world - AIRMIKE. We had very interesting conversation 2 weeks ago....

February contest I started only in 2nd week of contest and I opened 3 posititions - NZD/USD - hoping that green dollar will keep strengthening. My stupidity! I opened it without any analysis and the result was SL.
Second position was AUD/JPY where I expected bullish direction because AUD is depreciated according to fundaments and JPY/Japan monetary system is in terrible conditions. There was also sign of bullish direction as first candles were indicating bullish. Finally I closed it on moved SL when I wanted to change my portfolio.
The third position was my on one my favourite pairs - USD/NOK. This minor had very great possibility to go bullish as the only pair of my favourite still didnt pass correction. I wait 2-3 days and closed it with profit about 550pips when I moved SL when I wanted to change my portfilio.

Dear friends, there will be new update about my new positions tomorrow. Take care for today and do your best...

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