Hi to all. I think that JPY strength is based on uncertainty that spreading around because latest Trump behavior regarding tariffs, delayed meeting with Putin etc. Other pairs follow more or less this risk OFF sentiment. GBP because own reasons (Brexit issues). I dont expect significant moves during next week.

Commitment of traders report for the week ending July 24, 2018
  • EUR long 29K vs 21K long last week. Longs increased by 8K.
  • GBP short 47K vs 38K short last week. Shorts increased by 9 K
  • JPY short 74K vs 59K short last week. Shorts increased by 15K.
  • CHF short 46K vs 42K short last week. Shorts increased by 4K
  • CAD short 44K vs 47K short last week. Shorts trimmed by 3K.
  • AUD short 45k vs 41K short last week. Shorts increased by 4K
  • NZD short 24K vs 25K short last week. Shorts trimmed by 1K.

  • The big position change was an increased short in the JPY. That currency has the largest speculative position as well (short). The JPY has moved higher over the last few week after bottoming on July 19.
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