Snap shares plummet

Note: This section contains information in English only.
Source: Dukascopy Bank SA

The stock price of Snap has erased 30% of its value. The company's shares are set to start Wednesday's trading at $12.21, compared to Tuesday's close at $17.46. The drop has occurred due to the company failing to come close to market expectations for quarterly financial results.

Snapchat has reportedly suffered an abysmal quarter in advertisement revenues, which is in contrast to other companies like Alphabet and Meta. Some analysts attribute this to a move of advertisers to larger and more stable companies.

Meanwhile, during the earnings conference call, the company blamed conflicts in the Middle East for creating "headwind" in growth.

Take into account that the stock has experienced broad moves in the recent years. For example, the stock price more than doubled during 2023. This price drop has not erased all of those gains.

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