US consumer inflation and sales are published

Note: This section contains information in English only.
Source: Dukascopy Bank SA

US statisticians have published consumer price index and retail sales data sets. Both inflation and consumer shopping were expected to have increased. In general, the data showed that prices have risen less than expected. However, retail sales are unchanged.

US Dollar reacted to the news by plummeting, as the Dollar index dropped from 104.80 down below 104.50.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics published the US Consumer Price Index and the Core Consumer Price Index. Core reading is the same data excluding food and energy prices. CPI was expected to show a monthly increase of 0.4%, but actual number was 0.3%. Meanwhile, the Core CPI was forecast to show prices rising by 0.3% and the forecast was correct.

At the same time, the US Census Bureau published the monthly change in Retail Sales. The data measures the change of consumer goods sold in USD. Namely, it can be the case that actual goods sold are declining, but prices have increased. The Retail Sales have reportedly not increased at all instead of the forecast 0.4% increase. In addition, Core Retail Sales that exclude automobiles were expected to increase by 0.2% and the forecast was correct.

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