A strategy with RequiresFullAccess annotation cannot be started remotely

My strategy is converted from mql4 file. It runs OK in "local run"mode, but when I change to "remote run",
it appears "A strategy with RequiresFullAccess annotation cannot be started remotely". My original mql4 file has icustom() parameters. Is this the cause? Could someone help me to solve the problem? Thank you very much!

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30 Aug. 2013 by

orto leave comments

Answers: 2

RequiresFullAccess grants access to your local storage, of course it isn't possible for the remote server to load resources from your local disk.
icustom() from mql4 references local files and apparently gets translated to @RequiresFullAccess and following inclusion of some jar on your local disk.
You have to convert anything thats loaded with icustom() in mql4 into jforex indicator and compile it without @RequiresFullAccess

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16 Feb. 2014 by

orto leave comments

I don't no

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24 Oct. 2015 by

orto leave comments
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