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It's coming to town......

Dear friends and traders, let the obstacles, troubles and problems be the sandstones You'll sharpen Your swords with! Merry coming Christmas and Happy New Year.
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sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 23 Дек.

Best whishes for you mimus!!!

mag avatar
mag 23 Дек.

More and better mimus

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An introduction of secret Dukascopy Trader in Top Gear style

1. Some say that while he is trading, Banksy draws trendlines & triangles for him. All we know is, he was made the same way as we were.2. Some say that $ 1 trillion platinum coin has already minted and is used in place of his jeans button. All we know is, he don't speak north korean.3. Some say that he is so tough in FX trading that can make enormous profits even on Saturdays. All we know is, he never has webinars on Saturdays. 4. Some say that his FX trading platform is with ignition key and V1…
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floge avatar
floge 6 Сент.


olchik0012 avatar
olchik0012 12 Окт.


geula4x avatar
geula4x 22 Дек.

+1 Liked: LOL :-))

PPandM avatar
PPandM 13 Март


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