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Trade Idea- For USDSGD The Weekly Trading

There’s a chart that stands out – USD/SGD. The pair is at five year highs (USD lows). There is a double top formation, respecting big figure resistance at 1.4300. The resistance point coincides with a Fibonacci Method 100% touch and reversion. Any one of these three factors might signal a sell trade – the combination of the three sets bells.
Selling at current levels, Stop loss with clear of 1.43255 , traders may consider a number of targets. The Fibonacci methods 61.8% reversion suggests a poin…
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USDCAD Formed Bullish Pin Bar

When USDCAD This pair already formed Bullish Reversal Pin Bar on daily chart and also we saw weekly Chart trading. If we go to buy position in this week , we can get good pips for our trading buy signal first target 1.3350 -then 1.3400-1.3450 level.we can see chart below..
In our view the wealth effect from the surge in the housing market continues to underpin consumer demand. Housing price gains have averaged nearly 2.0% a year over the past five years, helping insulate Canada to some degrees f…
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GBPUSD Potential Sell Entry

Here are two chart For GBPUSD Trading Entry Level indicators as below as -
Two weeks ago the pair gave us a nice bull flag on the 4 hour time frame . Upon breaching resistance, the pair ran for 540 pips before finding selling pressure at the multi-year high at 2.4025.
I want to emphasize the fact that the Double Top Pattern shown below is not yet an active setup as the neckline at 2.3155 remains in tact. Only a close below this level would confirm the topping pattern and open up the potential f…
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mentorbd 12 آب

GBPNZD is formed strong sell option again 2.4025 level and Triple Top Pattern . The pair is going ahead of 1.3270 level in future .

mentorbd avatar
mentorbd 13 آب

I have already great mistaken for forecast pair names GBPUSD Potential Sell Entry .. Please correction is pair name GBPNZD ..

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