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It’s The Fashion Police!

Добрый день, друзья. Задание действительно интересное, особенно когда ты встречаешься с fashion-failures почти каждый день. Можно принять во внимание индивидуальность каждого человека, его творческий подход. Но, к сожалению, иногда люди просто не видят меры....особенно мне непонятны стиль и мода современных диджеев. Например Марика Росса. Я могу часами разглядывать ее костюмы, но никак не могу найти истину. Зачем ей это? )) Или вот еще один пример. Один мой знакомый надел губку на себя в качест…
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OMG, look at my selfie!

Advantages of Photo Effects.
A person who use photography knows that there are a lot of arguments about the use of photo manipulation. Should it be used to enhance images or does it only distort reality?
It is normal for me to take a photo and then put it on my social accounts with some effects. Photography is a way for people to take what they see in their minds and combine it with reality. In this way I think that it is fine to change a photo however you want.
However, there is one aspect of p
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Battle for the body!

Why i choose swimming as the best way to keep fit?
Sport is an important part in our life. For some it is so natural as eating and sleeping, for others it is just a fun. But we all know that special feeling that produces our body when we have done some physical work. For this reason we feel the need to turn the sport.
I like swimming and this excellent all-year-round sport help me lose weight and keep me healthy. Swimming is popular sport, and it is certainly a good way of getting away from it a…
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