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Beauty Blogger

Lipstick! This part of make-up play atmost big role in my life, as far I am considered that the colour of your lips can provide even more about your mood that you good explain in words...
From classic red to hot pink, find out what your favorite hue says about you.
"You are sending out emotionally charged signals, wearing a color associated with passion, energy and action. You're a bold, confident woman and one in her sexual prime."
Nude: "You want to be taken seriously, h
ave nothing to hi…
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Playlist of my life

ok I can say for 100 per cent that music playlist fully explains completely different sides of my character? moreover it helps me to stay inspired during the whole working time, brings me second breathing while have no power...
Music can refresh, make me feel happier... make moments bright and worthy for us in out memories through associating it with some kind of people, moments spent with them and so on.
ure, you can enjoy a clever rap or pop tune, but somewhere under those business casual clo…
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My perfect gift

The values of the 21st century are completely different so do gifts, for each of us the same things are evaluated in different ways. we live in an era of contrasts, when a good word sometimes costs more than a Chanel bag, and there are no discounts on it. On the other hand, if a person could become happier for money - life will become even easier than a course of crypto currency.
Nevertheless, in any times and centiries of history, the pleasure of receiving is the highest measure of the value of…
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