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Norry has taken 9th place in Daily Stock Options Apr 2017

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Should You Really Take 10,000 Steps a Day?

10,000 steps a day?
Before this marathon, I never heard of that concept.
I've always known that walking a mile or two daily can be beneficial for your health.
So I did some research behind the idea...
So basically it comes down to burning fat.
10,000 steps a day for a week could result in losing a pound a week.
While walking improves physical and psychological well-being, one shouldn't be misled by the idea that walking alone shall lead to weight loss. The calories burned should be greater then …
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neoGe avatar
neoGe 13 Abr

That's a cool way of looking at things, ilove that, Thank you.

wisdom_consultant avatar

good written!

Erka_shildeg avatar

Good information, I do break the 10000 steps into several breaks and make alignment  with my directions to work, home etc not using the car

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Summary of the Marathon till now...

Hello there!
Yesterday I missed a day posting...
But not entirely my fault...for some reason I couldn't write my daily blog. Could select the tasks, but couldn't write...
I thought it was due to bad internet connection, I would try again later.
But then I got ANGRY because The Donald talked down the dollar!
As if the tension in Asia and Syria isn't bad enough...
So I just left things as they were...
With regards towards this competition, everything seems to go okay.
If one is not really use…
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wisdom_consultant avatar

I also had this problem few days ago, was able to post only from mobile and from 20 attemp only (((

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