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JoeDeOliveira has taken 6th place in Strategy Contest May 2024

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JoeDeOliveira has published strategy ArTSt_0624

ArTSt_0624 is an Aroon Trading Strategy. It uses Aroon 48 period to
determine buy or sell positons. If Aroon Down is 100 in 48 period, a
buy position is opened and existing sell position is stopped. If Aroon
Up is 100 in 48 period, a sell positon is opened and existing buy
position is stopped. For each 100 (Aroon Up or Down), the equity is
tested, if the equity is below the Initial Equity, the position is
closed and a new position is openned with an increment of 1.7 times of
the last lost amount…
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JoeDeOliveira has taken 13th place in Strategy Contest Apr 2024

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