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Playlist of my life

There are some moments in everyone's life when music is the only escape, the stronger the pain - the more aggressive or sad your music becomes. The bigger the joy - the louder or funnier your playlist is. Some of the songs remind us of people who are already gone, gone from our lives or gone forever. Some of them just remind us of good old times, travels and adventures.
1. The first song that comes to my mind is WHAM - Last Christmas. It's a song of my fist relationship, our first song, a song t…
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My perfect gift

Can’t say exactly what I prefer more - giving or receiving gifts, both are equally pleasant. I must admit I used to get amazing gifts from my parents and even better ones I receive now from my boyfriend, but they are more of tangible. My best intangible gift is the one I received from myself and it’s my dog Sunny. I was dreaming of the puppy the whole childhood but couldn’t get one because my mom is allergic to dogs, so I had to wait till I’m 18 and I’m living by myself. And I’ve found my puppy …
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5 Things you didn't know you could buy with bitcoin

Past year bitcoin went from being a niche hobby to a money-making phenomenon. Here are 5 things you probably didn't realise you could buy with your bitcoins
1. Apartment. Aston Plaza & Residences officially announced you can pay for your new apartment using bitcoins. The cheapest one is a small studio in Dubai (43 sq m) - you can buy for 32 bitcoins.
2. A college degree. Along with hotel chains, colleges are starting to realize the value of bitcoin and have begun accepting this form of payment …
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