
January results published

Posted 6 Feb., 2012  in #Trader

Dear contest participants,

you are welcome to familiarize with the final results of the January Trader contest. Don't forget to check the endnote.

December results are finalized

Posted 3 Jan., 2012  in #Trader
Dear Participants, the results for December are published! Congratulations to all winners and take a look at the endnote.

We wish you best of luck in January and also in year 2012!

Popularity weight decreased to 25 points

Posted 2 Jan., 2012  in #Trader

Dear participants, we start the New
Year with a slight amendment of the Rules.

Starting from the January contest Popularity will be further tightened
to bring a maximum of 25 points (previously 50). The calculation basis
remains unchanged. Now the maximum number of points a participant can
get is 275 (100 + 100 + 50 + 25). Note that in contrast to the 3 other
evaluation categories Popularity points are now assigned in a linear
manner, i.e. without a leap between the 1st positions.

November results published

Posted 9 Dec., 2011  in #Trader
With a minor delay we are glad to inform that on Wednesday we've finalized the November results and published the monthly endnote. Congratulations to all winners and don't forget to read our comments for the month.

October contest results published

Posted 7 Nov., 2011  in #Trader

Please find the endnote and the final standings in the Contest results section.

August contest results published

Posted 6 Sep., 2011  in #Trader

Please find the endnote and the final standings in the Contest results section.
