Signal Provider results

Posted 20 6月 2018  在 #Signal Provider
Hi traders,

N1K from Belarus took the first position in the 12-month nomination of Signal Provider Grand Prix contest in May 2018 with annual result of 1.009 m USD in profit. The second place goes to StevenSeagal, who managed to earn 0.619 m USD of profit in the last 12-month period. Zywiec has taken the third position with the result of 0.617 m USD. Participants cba777 and ligri closed top-5 signal providers with result of 0.603 m USD and 0.550 m USD respectively.

6-month nominations of Signal Provider winner list is the following: willy29– first place with 0.647 m USD, Julian1994– second place with 0.598 m USD, Ayman6 – third place with 0.556 m USD, N1K – fourth place with 0.482 m USD, foralleyes – fifth place with 0.478 m USD.

While checking preliminary rankings we found that participants SibinSebastian1,JonSnow and MOZILLA were not active Trader Contest participant in May and thus is not eligible for the prize.

All the best for everyone in June 2018!

Community team
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