Source: Dukascopy Europe IBS AS
, photo #1
The security of your Dukascopy live accounts was upgraded. Now the access to Dukascopy trading platform can be additionally protected with your personal Secure Code.
Secure code is a combination of numbers used as an additional password to access your trading account (its installation is optional). Select the digits corresponding to the numbers of your Secure code on the table shown on the screen and enter the digits into the 'Secure code' field. For each case of entry you will have to enter a unique combination of digits. It would upgrade significantly the level of your security.
Please note that the digits on the table are only valid for 5 minutes (the current time remaining until expiration of their validity is displayed above the table). If you did not finish entering the necessary combination of numbers within 5 minutes, click on 'Reload'. To get your personal Secure code, please apply to your broker.

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عقود الفروقات هي اداة تداول معقدة و تتضمن خطورة عالية لخسارة رأس المال بسرعة بسبب الرافعة المالية 71.03% من المستثمرين المنفردين يخسرون اموالهم عند تداول عقود الفروقات مع مقدم الخدمات الخاص بهم يجب عليك التفكير بحذر عما اذا كنت على معرفة و ادراك بكيفية عمل عقود الفروقات و عما اذا كلن بامكانك اتخاذ مخاطرة كهذه