It is a big honor to be the first adopter of a new product, isn't it?

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pawansansanwal avatar

And I am the first one to notice it.. I think :)

drishti avatar
drishti 10 May

Absolutely its honor. Nick, you are doing a fabulous job by adding such services on DFC.

Durden avatar
Durden 21 Aug.

probably dipends on what kind of product it is

orto leave comments

Answers: 5

Yes, indeed

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11 May 2013 by

orto leave comments

Yes, it is :)

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23 May 2013 by

orto leave comments

Well, I can say I was one of the

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16 June 2013 by

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. dipends on the product

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21 Aug. 2014 by

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If the product in question shows promise to be vastly superior than its predecessors, yes.

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30 Nov. 2014 by

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