Income Generating Programs

The launch of Dukascoin, the first crypto-token issued by a Swiss Bank opened the door for a series of new wealth management offers. 杜高斯贝银行 offers a variety of ways to reward clients having accumulated important amounts of DUK+ coins on their MCA accounts.

Coin reward paid on Stakes in Dukascoins

Clients having accumulated a minimum amount of 50 DUK+ coins are offered the possibility to participate in stake reward programs for a 3-month or 1-year fixed terms and earn a progressive (depending on staking size) reward. For a 3-month stake the reward rate ranges from 1.1% to 2.5%, while for 1-year stakes it starts from 5.5% and goes up to 12.5% for a staking of 5,000 DUK+.

More information on the conditions of the offer are found on Dukascoins website

EUR reward paid on Stakes in Dukascoins

Clients having accumulated at least 500 coins may opt for a 1-year or 3-months stake mode that offers a reward of EUR 0.14 and EUR 0.028 respectively for each DUK+ coin allocated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the program.

Find our more details on Dukascoins website

Fat Catz reward program

Large DUK+ balance holders can earn their rewards even without freezing their Dukascoins on fixed-term stake.

杜高斯贝银行 collects commissions from each transaction where Dukascoins are exchanged to EUR at the internal marketplace. All these commissions form up a reward fund in EUR that will be distributed once a month amongst the top largest Dukascoins holders qualified for Fat Catz program condition as a reward for their contribution to the development of the Dukascoin marketplace.

An average monthly balance of at least 10'000 DUK+ coins is required to qualify for participation in the Fat Catz reward program.

The monthly commission volume to be distributed will be published on the Dukascoins website. In case there are no holders qualified to receive the Fat Catz reward, the amount of EUR commissions collected will be added to the next month's distribution.

Conditions of the Dukascoin Fat Catz reward program are subject to change and all amendments will be publicly available on Dukascoins website 30 days in advance.

Welcome Gift Program


推荐人还将收到 50 欧元的每次推荐,在他们的帐户批准后的前 6 个月内产生至少 5000 美元或等值的投资营业额。


带有硬币(杜卡斯币)或欧元奖励的杜卡斯币定期存款也可以称为带有硬币或欧元奖励的杜卡斯币权益质押创收计划。该计划将在加密行业中普遍使用的权益质押证明概念的背景下进行展示。在此提议的框架内,银行向客户承诺以加密代币或欧元形式的一定报酬(奖励),为此客户承诺在一定时期内出于任何目的而不使用商定数量的杜卡斯币(DUK +)代币。

通过将其放置在任何时候对银行透明的专用钱包/账户中,可以确保暂时拒绝使用约定的DUK +金额。可以在银行的账户上,客户的独立区块链钱包上或由对银行监控透明的第三 rd 方管理的区块链钱包上完成。硬币(加密货币)或欧元的报酬在权益质押(存款)期结束时以预先定义的金额支付。

在权益质押(存款)期间,不会建立银行利用客户存入的DUK +金额的财务关系。该关系的唯一目的是建立必要的透明度模式(对于银行的监控权),以保证客户的承诺不将约定金额的DUK +代币从放置权益(存款)的账户/钱包中移出。


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