Note: This section contains information in English only.
Source: Dukascopy Bank SA
The price for gold has moved higher and trades between the 1,975.00 and 1,985.00 levels. In general, it appears that the commodity waits for more events or economic data before ascending or declining in value.

Economic Calendar Analysis

On Monday, the US ISM Manufacturing PMI release at 14:00 GMT could cause a move in the US Dollar.

On Wednesday, the US ADP Non-Farm Employment change at 12:15 GMT might impact the USD. Afterwards, at 14:00 GMT note the ISM Services PMI release.

Above all, on Friday, at 12:30 GMT, the United States will publish the Average Hourly Earnings, Non-Farm Employment Change and Unemployment Rate.

XAU/USD short-term forecast

A move above 1,985.00 could be slowed down by other round price levels. Eventually, a potential surge would once again test the 2,000.00/2,010.00 range.

However, a decline is expected to look for support in 1,975.00, 1,960.00, 1,950.00 and the last week's low level zone at 1,934.30/1,937.15.

Hourly Chart

XAU/USD daily charts review

On the daily candle chart, the metal has passed above the high level zone of 2020 and 2023. The zone appears to be no longer capable of impacting the commodity price, as round price levels have more impact.

Daily Candle Chart

Traders are short

On Friday, gold traders were bearish, as 57% of open positions were short.

Meanwhile, pending orders in the 1000-pip range were 60% to buy.

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