
Strategy work in EUR/USD pair. Strategy opens 1 or more positions during day until some position is closed with profit.. Amount of first position is 2.5M, amount of second and following positions is increased 4 times. Before using this amount for trade check if there is enough margin is made. If margin is not enough amount is decreased in order to conform margin requirements. Adiitionaly initial SL and TP are increased by 20 pips each. Initial SL is set to 45 pips, TP is set to 11 pips.
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1 17.04.2018 Not running Strategy work in EUR/USD pair. Strategy opens 1 or more positions during day until some position is closed with profit.. Amount of first position is 2.5M, amount of second and following positions is increased 4 times. Before using this amount for trade check if there is enough margin is made. If margin is not enough amount is decreased in order to conform margin requirements. Adiitionaly initial SL and TP are increased by 20 pips each. Initial SL is set to 45 pips, TP is set to 11 pips.  Descarga
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