Pair of Interest - GBU/USD Timeframe - 15 min Trading times - 6.00 to 00.00GMT Indicators: Time Segmented Volume with time period 10 (TVS10) and 3(TVS3). Strategy: For sell Order: TVS10 parameter < 0 and TVS3 parameter > 0 strategy For buy Order: TVS10 parameter > 0 and TVS3 parameter < 0 strategy A new order is open if a new signal is received if the Profit/Loss 11 at the same time the old order closed No new order is open if a new signal is received and the profit/loss is -11, instead the old order is closed TakeProfit:40 StopLoss:20
Wersja: Date: Status: Opis:
3 17.06.2021 Not running GBPUSDv1  Pobierz
2 29.10.2017 Not running GBPUSDv1  Pobierz
1 29.10.2017 Executed GBPUSDv1  Pobierz
Illya avatar
Illya 30 Wrz

Good luck man! The last day remaining!

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