
This strategy utilizes 9 currency pairs The Take Profit and Stop Loss levels are calculated on the current daily volatility of the currency pair traded Only trades between 12pm and 4pm UTC
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
1.1 01.04.2021 Executed no log this time
1.1 01.04.2021 Not running no log this time
1.1 01.04.2021 Executed This strategy utilizes 9 currency pairs The Take Profit and Stop Loss levels are calculated on the current daily volatility of the currency pair traded Only trades between 12pm and 4pm UTC
أولترك تعليق

(كلمات اساسية بخصوص التغييرات)

(على سبيل المثال: 1.1, بيتا, الفا)