
Cross of EMA10 and SMA10 Strategy is based on cross of EMA10 and SMA10 Instrument EUR\USD Time frame is set to 30 minutes. Take Profit is set to 50 Stop Loss is set to 25 SHORT positions are taken only if cross is below EMA20 LONG positions are taken only if cross is above EMA20
Version: Date: Status: Descrizione:
1 01.03.2021 Not running Cross of EMA10 and SMA10 Strategy is based on cross of EMA10 and SMA10 Instrument EUR\USD Time frame is set to 30 minutes. Take Profit is set to 50 Stop Loss is set to 25 SHORT positions are taken only if cross is below EMA20 LONG positions are taken only if cross is above EMA20  Download
us_copiosus avatar

now, we just need another 19 trades :)

kangur avatar
kangur 2 Mar

may have small problem with that

Debian avatar
Debian 2 Mar

Eso lo puedes solucionar ajustando SL y TP lo que necesites para que salgan más operaciones de 20.

Este mes con 25 y 50 podrías tenerlo ya solucionado.

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(example: 1.1, beta, alpha)