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using ichimoku clouds in 1h TF, mix with tvs in 5 mins...

Cumulative Profit/Loss dynamics

Selected period: 01.10.2012 - 31.10.2012

Full Stats

Standings (points): - (-)
Performance, $ (points): -0,11K$ (-)
Drawdown, % (points): 0% (-)
Bonuses: 36
Average Profit Trade: 0,00K$
Average Loss Trade: 0$
Profit factor: 0,00K
Number of trades: 1
Traded volume: 0,00M$
LinnuxFX avatar
LinnuxFX 8 Apr.

I do not know who was the member of the DFC who reported this violation, but surely he did not notice anything about programming strategies, and above all do not know the contest rules. Before placing this type of posts you must read the Copyright rules first. Who posted this does not know nothing about the strategy he is talking, because the author of the strategy that began using the TVS indicator was Okina13 and the strategy was Luisestrategy. Sanjvik's strategy is already a copy of Luisestrategy. My strategy uses TVS, EMA and ICHIMOKU indicators, and all strategy is different from Sanjvik

LinnuxFX avatar
LinnuxFX 8 Apr.

If the member who reported this violation had paid attention, he would have seen that the link he provides for Sanjivk strategy is put back to my first version of this strategy, then who should be using my strategy is sanjvik and not the opposite ... lol. My first version 01-10-2012, Sanjivk strategy link provided 4-02-2013... Try to do something useful instead of trying to destroy...

LinnuxFX avatar
LinnuxFX 8 Apr.

Participants who produced copies or reproductions of a strategy are not eligible for bonus popularity points. The strategy is considered copied if a substantial part of the algorithm (at least 90% of the script) resembles another strategy. The author of the strategy and other participants may complete copyright claims by providing information about code snippets that have been copied and a reference to the original strategy.

This are the rule, show me where my strategy is broken it...

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