vfx_april (ver. 3) Not running

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vfx_april uses relative strength indicator (rsi) to get signals for buying and selling an instrument; it uses the one minute period candles to trade and when rsi rises above previous, its time to buy; if goes below previous, time to sell


選択した期間: 01.04.2014 - 30.04.2014

Full Stats

順位 (ポイント): 26 (203)
パフォーマンス, $ (ポイント): 100,00K$ (103)
Drawdown, % (ポイント): 0% (50)
Bonuses: 50
Average Profit Trade: 0,00K$
Average Loss Trade: 0$
プロフィット・ファクター: 0,00K
取引数: 0
取引した取引金額: 0,00M$
