Nas19 (ver. 30) Running

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Nas19 Hello, I would like to show you that this strategy is the first controller of financial risk and then the second profit in order to maintain capital and rely on several overlapping indicators to determine the entry point accurately, and do not ignore the daily economic news and data that may affect the market as well as not Violate the general trend of the market

Zusammengefasste Gewinn/Verlust Dynamik

Ausgewählter Zeitraum: 01.06.2024 - 30.06.2024

Full Stats

Stände (Punkte): 63 (207)
Performance, $ (Punkte): 98,48K$ (125)
Drawdown, % (Punkte): 5.47% (47)
Bonuses: 35
Average Profit Trade: 18,78K$
Average Loss Trade: -23614.94$
Profit Faktor: 0,00K
Anzahl der Trades: 2
Gehandeltes Volumen: 36,38M$
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