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3rd place strategy contest

Hello Community,
As a result of my 3rd place on the strategy contest did a webinar where a talk a litle bit about me and the way I trade. Technology played a large role on this webinar
Here is the link for those of you who want to see
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar

great! next time you should be the 1st !!!

pmf avatar
pmf 10 May

I'll do my best :)

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Strategy contest

Signed up for the February strategy contest
Let's see if the market helps me in my strategy, which uses the Aaron indicator in EUR/USD 1H chart
Another experience I enjoyed to go through, although the visual documentation JForex still not be good (the support staff despite overloaded still manages to lend a hand) is a great tool.
Thank you to everyone who helped me and we'll see what February has in store for us
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