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Singleboyin has taken 25th place in Trader Contest Dec 2017

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Still a good long today

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Performance to be proud of........

Hi traders, I am back after two months , as my father was inhospital but now he is in good health.
For blog posting...I am not the one who follows,news, economy, fundamental data., bla ..bla ..bla... I am 100%
technical trader, price action with fibo based entry and exits with
fibo and ichi sup/res. So very less things to post and talk about.For the first two weeks trades were very good.
  1. SELL 1.000M GBP/JPY @ 172.776,SL 174.677 (194 pips),TP 168.238(453 pips) = 199 pips
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shanziester avatar
shanziester 17 ايار

welcome back. nice to know your dad is ok now. cheers !

Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 17 ايار

I like your trading style, Fibo's are a very effective tool if not the most effective imo.

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