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The up trend, is possible finished

As I wrote in the previously posts, the principal trend for Eur-Usd currency pair, is down.
From how much I observed, at this moment is in running a correction and this is a triangle, the best of triangles, an expanding horizontal triangle (my opinion). I think that the up trend is finished and in same time with it, was finished and the c wave of triangle.
In an expanding horizontal triangle, usualy, the d wave is a zigzag. We must tu find signals which confirm this hypothesis and in this…
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Uncertain moments

We have an uncertainty moment, because is very dificult to say where go the market.
As I wrote in previously analisys, it is a great correction, which look increasingly more that an expanding horizontal triangle.
The thrust must be, between 0,9477 and 0,8705 and if this correction is a flat, will be impossible to touch the target.
The only correction which can realize this work is the triangle. Because wave b is bigger than wave a, and wave c is bigger than wave b, certainly wave d will b…
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ovidiu_gnt avatar
ovidiu_gnt 2017年10月01日

We will follow the double combination realization, first combination is a flat with weak b and  failed c and the second combination, a flat with normal c. This will be c wave, in a possible irregular contracting triangle.


The "great" correction

I came back.
As I wrote in the comments in my previous analysis, the only certaity is that this correction is not finished.
The evolution as shape and time, cannot be anticipate.
Can be a flat or a triangle. The triangle can be contracting (at this moment the chance are almost zero - but who knows) or expanding.
I have some questions at which I cannot give the answers.
Looke at next chart and you will understand what a dilemma I have.
This is the first wave from the {c} wave, which is not…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
ovidiu_gnt avatar
ovidiu_gnt 2017年09月03日

Because the support from 1,2010 was broken, the hypothesis with flat correction is falls and remain only variant with expanding triangle. The details in next analysis.

ovidiu_gnt avatar
ovidiu_gnt 2017年09月24日

Not the support, the resistance.
