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Will U.S. bring back up to half the manufacturing jobs moved overseas?

For decades, U.S. companies have been chasing cheap labor offshore and then importing products to sell in the U.S. market. Now, Trumponomics, a broader focus on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO quantifies all relevant costs, risks and strategic factors) and advanced manufacturing together have the potential to end the manufacturing stagnation of the last 30 years and create millions of manufacturing jobs in the U.S.Over the last 20 years, the boom in offshoring drove our goods trade deficit up by ab…
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Selling order on EURUSD ON 1.0530

For active traders , who work on minute charts... we are still in sell trend .. until price can break 1.0575 , now we can see a very pure image of resistance level each 5 pips and a beautiful price Action movement which moves exact as what we study.
my point of view is : the correction will confirmed by its end once we reach 1.0530 again .. and my target will be 1.480 , with a nice 50 pips for today , and always my stop loss will be just above 1.0575
good luck
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EURUSD 1.1177

By using similar angel rays technique, we can find the deviation in the angel in the weekly chart changed after each 10 candles, so we will have about 2 angular rays in these 2 months till 3rd of April.
1- in weekly chart:
Trend is: UP
after the angular deviation the rate will came between area of: 1.1140 and 1.1206.
2- in Daily chart:
Trend is: UP.
after the angular deviation the rate will came between area of: 1.1140 and 1.206.
Fundamentally: we will have USA interest rates decisio…
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varda avatar
varda 3 شباط

well done

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