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Prediction for today

Chart H1
The market is testing resistance at 124.12. We are waiting to see reversal signals in order to reinstate SHORT positions, or alternatively the downward break of the 123.50 support level. Next important resistance the 124.48 level. Chart H4A Medium High probability, entry signal to go LONG will be given with the upward break of 124.10 after the market found support at 123.50. Only the downward break of 123.50 would cancel the bullish scenario and take us SHORT.
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When completed the Fed meeting on Wednesday

I am not a specialist in trading just days before the Fed meeting on Wednesday. Chaotic price movements can make a loss on my account. I'll be patient and try to make an analysis of a few trades. I just closed the long position on GBP / CAD, although I expect that the price has still to climb up.
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USD / NOK сильная тенденция вниз

График H4, цена в канале и срикошетил трендовую линию и достигает нового минимума. Я в настоящее время в состоянии продать и, таким образом, остается в будущем.
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