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Greennjk has taken 7th place in Strategy Contest May 2018

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This week we had worst employment data from NZ. NZ Unemployment rate didnt changed and retain the same level 5.8%. So we NZD came down against all other currencies. Today we have US ADP Employment change data and we can expect better number. Because recent jobs data was better. So we can expect ADP data will be better and NFP also going to be better. If we get better data NZDUSD will go down furthur. SO I am selling NZDUSD at 0.7520 with stop loss at 0.7580 and take profit level will be 0.7440 a…
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Today RBA has cut interest rate from 2.25% to 2.00%. Initial action was AUD selling and then it AUD buying happened due to RBA has removed bearish bias fromt this month statement. But this buying was sending AUDUSD to 0.7920 level only. It could not break this level and it came back to 0.7875 level currently. So my view has not changed for this week. As I mentioend, AUDUSD will go to 0.7680 and then 0.7535
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