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What is fashion part 2

The origins of fashion. True fashions begin to eppear in northen europe and italy when a system of
social classes developed in the late middle ages. At this time,the people of europe began to classify
one another in to groups based on such factors as wealth, ancentry,and occupation.
The clothes people wore helped indentify them as members of a particular social class. Before the late middle ages
only wealthy and powerfull indidivuals concerend themselves with the style of their clothes.
But whe
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My first days in Thailand.

Hi, still having a little problem with my jetlag hahaha.
But My first days where allright I have trying to find a job and a languages school, still busy with that.
But i have find myself a Gym so thats good, muscle pain in my belly hahah.
And some issue because with my Thai pasport i can not open a Bank account very strange ! I need a Thai indentation card so i have to go to immigration but it's quit a hard time because i can not speak thai! they see my thai pasport but they are thinking but she…
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VictoriaVika avatar

Oh dear, best of luck  to you in new place!

nessa avatar
nessa 25 jan

yes good lucky

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 déc

well, it's a different life's experiences which we all should try out. Sometimes the experiences are good, while others are not. But that's life and its better to live life and knowing more of life then to stay home and never really know what is out there in our world.
Good luck and all the best to you girl! :)))

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Journey in Thailand starts now

SO know I am in Thailand ( Pattaya) i have a bit a jetlag! planning to stay here for 3 Months. I want to learn the Language , work, model work and just life here for the culture and the warmth. I took the plain in Amsterdam China Airlines 13:20 we took up, i almost got to late ( like always i am running to my plane hahaha) So while i was looking for my seat i just discover that i had the middel seat near a older man who didnt take a shower and a belgium jonger guy, and during the flight they whe…
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Olga18375 avatar

I want you photos! Many photos)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 16 jan

Have an amazing trip!

nessa avatar
nessa 25 jan


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 déc

Good to know you are venturing out into the wide world to experience life....take good care and stay safe yah! :)))

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