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VIDEO:The Communist giant's remarkable boom has shielded us here in Australia from the worst of the global economic downturn.Our mineral resources are fuelling a rush of urban development across China that is simply mind-boggling.Vast new megacities bigger than London or New York are shooting up all over the country at a rate of 20 a year.But there are disturbing signs that the bubble is about to burst.Take a visit to some of these mega cities and you'll find them bizarrely empty.
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Likerty avatar
Likerty 22 Sep.

Somewhat I always dreamed of a possibility to live in post-acopaliptic world.. These emty cities in China or Spain is a great oportunity to try that:)))

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EURopean Stress Indicators

The difference between 3 month EURIBOR and 3 month EONIAEURIBOR is the interest rate that prime banks in the Euro-zone report they would lend to other prime banks in the Euro-zone for a fixed term. Essentially, each bank on the panel of contributes a rate and the highest and lowest fifteen percent are eliminated before the remaining contributed rates are averaged. The result is published each day at 10 am CET (complete technical details are available …
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alifari avatar
alifari 11 Sep.

Very informative material, thanks for sharing....

geula4x avatar
geula4x 12 Sep.

+1 Liked: nice explanations :)

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Risk-free interest rate

Is the theoretical rate of return of an investment with zero risk, including default risk. The risk-free rate represents the interest that an investor would expect from an absolutely risk-free investment over a given period of time.[1] Therefore, a [url=]r[/1]…
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Übersetzen in Englische Sprache Zeige Original
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