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List 10 facts about me. 8 of my statements are true and 2 not. Try to guess:
  1. I have been skiing for 8 years, 1 year spent for biathlon
  2. I danced with Shakira on one stage
  3. There is a tattoo on the inside of the lip
  4. I am able to drive a motorcycle
  5. I am the finalist of Tinkoff Girl 2017
  6. At school I learned Japanese
  7. I had a plastic surgery
  8. I do not watch serials
  9. On my birthday, I eat a festive steak
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MargaritaDG avatar

6 и 7 - неправда? :)

aegorfk avatar
aegorfk 6 Jan

7 угадала)

MargaritaDG avatar

ммм может тогда 8 неправда? :) Кто же сериалы не смотрит? :D

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Aegorfk has taken 37th place in 911 Contest Sep 2017

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Perfect Man: where are you?

For me ideal men does not exist. Anyway, every person should strive to be self-sufficient, well-groomed and educated.
When I am busy, my couple should know how to amuse himself. He don`t want to find him one day lying on the sofa and crying that he is bored. A man should be beautiful, because I respect people who take care of themselves. Education makes a man an interesting interlocutor, allows him to make a career, and make me proud of his success.
I hope to find a person, who is enjoying this …
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Set

no perfect man...only good men...and women : )

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