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Lifestyle Trading: Eat and sleep to not die

They call us vultures, they call us pigs, we just want to make money
Despite all these appellations, we decided to devote ourselves completely to the dream of being millionaires.
For me money is the key to freedom, I like to pay for all services, I want servitude to my orders, also professional services ,,, many people giving me attentions in exchange for money.
But, to achieve the dream of the fat pigs; I will need to work full time, fx trading becomes a way of life.
It is not worth the explosi…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示


EURNZD Trend The pair rises from April 2017. Breakout around 1.55 290 I have placed as Resistance 1.77809. Although the main trend is Bearish. EMA 120: 1.70210 Pivot Weekly Pivot: 1.72189 Weekly R3: 1.76833 WeeklyS3: 1.67545 Bearish/ Bulish Power Weekly Bullish Extremely Rising : 1.77409 Bullish Moderate Rising : 1.73142
Bearish Extremely Falling: 1.67128 Bearish Moderate Falling: 1.70276 GRAFICs My attention is focused on the shrinkage of the candlestick in the previous week. Monet
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示


Al alza desde los 1. 16553 en un frametime diario
El Par desciende desde los 1.21271.
Pivot Point
Daily: 1.17197
R3 Daily : 1.18947
S3 Daiy: 1.15447

Weekly Bullish Power
Bullish Extremo: 1.20536
Bullish Moderado: 1.18354
Weekly Bearish Power
Bearish Extremo: 1.15107
Bearish Moderado: 1.16480

El gráfico junto con 2 indicadores muestra el movimiento al alza, con un soporte sobre los 1.15400 y otro debajo de los 1.149
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示